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February 13, 2008



ooooohhh....aaahhhh....wow--that turned out beautiful!


I love how your chair turned out. I have an old wing backI want to redo. I just haven't gained the courage to start it. Your finished chair is very inspiring.


Incredible!!! It is the perfect fabric for the chair! ;)

daisy janie

Love how you matched up the leaves on arms as well as the cushion - that takes some doing, and it looks great!


I dig it, dig it, dig it! You're inspiring me to want to go find a cheapie Goodwill chair to operate on myself!

Sue H

WOW! It looks totally fantastic. Your mother will be SO proud!


Wow! This chair came out great! Love how it all lines up so beautifully! Great job!


Wow, wow, wow!


You're so fancy that I can barely stand it! That looks great!!!


I have 2 chairs screaming for a re-do. I don't have the confidence to start ripping but seeing what you have done has definately started my desire and thinking going . . .

Mellissa - wondermommy

That chair is perfect. Great job!


FABULOUS! You did such a great job!
Love that fabric!


I called that one :) Just saw this over at design sponge!


I'm so impressed! This looks fabulous.

Lisa thedomesticdiva

Awesome!!! Your mother must be very proud!!! Seems the talent runs in the family!

With friendship,


Looks great!!

Amber Eilert

amazing! you work wonders with that sewing machine of yours!


L O V E the chair and the fabric is beautiful! :-)


That is just amazing! My mom was an upholstery whiz too, and I do think it rubs off. My projects are getting better, but not like yours...yet!


I. Love. This. Chair.

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