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February 09, 2008



Ooh, can't wait to see these!

This Goodwill is across thee street from you on Hammerly? I'm going to have to go check it out next time I'm back home in Houston!


Ooh...I'm so hoping you have many photos to share as that chair gets redone. I've always wondered what happens during that process...


Wish I had a place to pick up great finds like that! Can't wait to see the "after" pic of that chair. The before shot gives me the feeling it came straight from an 80's doctor's waiting room :) Good luck!


Oh I can't wait to see the process/results! How fun!

Mellissa - wondermommy

I can't wait to see your chair. I've always wanted to recover a chair, but have been too afraid to try.

Lisa thedomesticdiva

what a score!!! Can't wait to see it finished!

you've been tagged with a little bloggy love:

With friendship,

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