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March 10, 2008


Jessica Jones

Caroline, my hero. Thanks a bazillion.


That bag turned out beautifully! It's the exact style I've been seeking a pattern for, so thanks for the tutorial.


Wow! You might be the world's most productive human. You post new, interesting and beautiful stuff nearly every day!


Fabulous!!! Thank you for the tutorial! That is going on my spring to-do list for sure.


It is just fabulous. Your work is great. Who cares if its chaos around you.


This is a perfect new project for the to do pile! Thanks so much!!! ;)


Love your new bag! With all the wonderful fabrics you have it would be impossible to not play with them instead of cleaning up!

Missy Mangum

Can you spray it with Scotchgard to help it repel dirt a little longer? My bags seem to climb off the front seat of the car onto the dirty floor mat or worse slide into the back with my children who tend to step all over it when climbing out so torturously slow.


I really like the little knot. Nicely done.


Thank you so much for taking the time to write and share this tutorial with us. My daughter has already requested hers! I'm so glad you chose to sew and write a tutorial for the bag instead of clean...selfish me :/


OMG! I was just in Target today thinking "I COULD SO MAKE THOSE BAGS" but you beat me to it! Awesome job. I'm going to make one tonight!! Well maybe not tonight cause I really need to clean my space. I can't even get to my machine! :(


Love the bag and your blog. You make me laugh whenever I read your blog and I don't know about anyone else but I need a good laugh every once in awhile! My mother would be appalled if she saw my sewing space today too!


I totally made the bag, but I didn't have the rings or the magnetic clasp and I'm too instant gratification to wait! So, with a few adjustments (also used Timtex), here is a pic of my bag:


Thanks so much for the pattern - I hope to make another one with the correct supplies, it's the PERFECT size!

Andrea T. :)

Thank you, thank you, thank you!! Clearly I was inspired by this pattern as it took me less than a week to schedule time to create it ... and just for me ... and I love it.

You can see it here:

Thanks again!!

(P.S. I didn't show the inside here, but instead of a zippered pocket, I did another half piece of the side pattern piece, creating a double pocket inside.)


I just made this hobo bag yesterday. The pattern was easy to follow. I did the zipper pocket and an open pocket on the other side.
You can view my pics here:



Great project for the summer!

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