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August 11, 2011



Sounds like you have been living an interesting life with the younguns and that is what's important! If nothing else try more drive by blogging. I was just reading about this - more pictures, less writing that just keeps you in touch with the peoples!


Lordy I know how easy it is to get out of the habit! I am the same way. I hardly even read blogs in the summer let alone write. But I'm glad you haven't given it up! Have a great end-of-summer!


geez, crack that whip! I used to worry that I was a bit of a stalker since you're on my bookmarks and easy to check each day. Now I have permission to stalk AND nag you. I feel creepy already.


you're perilously close to missing the 1 wk deadline... ;-)

Tonya Staab

It's been 12 days. Where's the next post. I'm just sayin'. {makes sound of whip cracking}

I miss you.

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