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August 24, 2011



I love the idea that you have your readers accountable for writing...(new reader, btw, from barefootfoodie.com) That is such a cute idea. Now, can I get my readers to remind me to vacuum?

Grandma G

Hath no one prodded you yet this week?! It's September already, woman!! ;)


Thanks for my gift certificate. I paid it forward and ordered the new Doris Day CD for my Mom as a surprise for her to receive in the mail. Wow, O is in kindergarten already?! Where does the time go! She looks adorable on her first day. I love this stage when their backpacks are bigger than they are!

Affordable Insurance

That is such a cute idea. She looks adorable on her first day. I love this stage when their backpacks are bigger than they are! I love the idea that you have your readers accountable for writing.

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