We are on the road to Missouri for the final family wedding of the season. We've had three nieces get married since July, so this trip has been frequent. We are only thirty minutes in and we've already broken into the Twizzlers, so we've got a long 10 hours ahead of us! Oh wait, I did put broccoli in the cooler, so that will be our next treat. Won't they be thrilled.
Thanks to Lisa who got on me last week about writing and earned a $25 gift certificate to Above All Fabric. However, as you may have noticed, it did not prompt me to blog. Two more people have reminded this week, so their prizes are coming and finally, I felt compelled to act.One of the readers that prompted me said she is waiting for her baby to arrive, so I can only assume she interrupted her labor to email. Wow, if she can do that, surely I can write something!
Gearing up for Fabric 2.0 party next week. As usual, I've included more people than the venue was really designed for, but I hate to leave people out. It should be fun and there are some nice prizes this year!
So what else have I been doing? Almost no sewing. I did make Henry two belts yesterday as I discovered in our wedding shopping that toddler size belts are not available. I found a few designer leather belts that were upward of $60 (yes, you heard me), so I opted to make him some webbing belts with ribbon. Man-ly ribbon, of course. Henry was my assistant, which did make it very interesting. He likes scissors and pins.
I also ordered him some suede bucks to go with his navy blazer. It is very likely that he will outshine the bride in his cuteness. Thankfully Zappos ships returns for free as it took four tries. The first time, I ordered the youth size instead of the toddler size, so these nearly man size shoes arrived, which Olivia thought was hysterical. She asked repeatedly to see Henry's new shoes.
Henry didn't think the next two pairs were very funny as they were too small, but I tried like the dickens to cram his foot in them. Now he has a pair that is probably one-half size too big, but we ran out of time and better too large than too small right? I'll provide pictures after the event.
I have so many projects I want to get started on and haven't had time. Does that sound familiar? I hope in the next month or so to have time to get back into it.
Have a great weekend!
"I'll provide pictures after the event," she says. I'll believe it when I see it. ;) But I do look forward to them if it ever happens! :)
Have a great trip and a fun time. And eat the broccoli yourself!
Posted by: Grandma G | October 20, 2011 at 01:49 PM
I hope you post pictures from Fabric 2.0, so those of us who are unable to attend can drool over the yumminess.
Posted by: Alicia | October 20, 2011 at 02:10 PM
I make manly ribbon belts for my husband all the time :)
Posted by: Lauren | October 21, 2011 at 10:41 AM